How about this, I'm writing my first blog on my new computer!! So it's true, when you ask you receive! We had our 24-7 Base team meeting on Saturday morning and Chris and Catherine showed up with a new Mac Book for me that was anonymously donated. Wow!! It only took 3 days... Man, God is good and so are anonymous donors! Thanks so much, it will go to good use.
Brantford was awesome, I'm going to write a blog all about Brantford next so stay tuned. They did a great job of making me feel loved on my birthday. When I got back to Dave and Krissy for dinner that night the kids had decorated the house with balloons, a big “Happy Birthday” sign, made me cards and a delicious chocolate cake. Then we went to the prayer room for their Wednesday night bible study/prayer meeting. At the end all the youth and kids came together in the room to pray and Dave announced it was my birthday. He had about 40 kids and youth pray over me, it was awesome. Then I went out to East side Mario's with a group of about 10. It was a great Birthday in Brantford.

Yaaaa sista! So happy for you! Telling everyone your story. XOXO