Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cape Town and the Third Lausanne Congress...

It's been a while... again.

I'm just preparing to leave for the Third Lausanne Congress in Cape Town, South Africa.

The emotions are kinda crazy. As I've read about and research the effects of the Lausanne movement I'm pretty excited about what God has in store for us. I'm pretty stressed, as I've been responsible for coordinating 160 dialogue sessions... and I'm not a detail person. I'm REALLy sad to be leaving my husband for 13 days, some moments I'm not sure how I'm going to get on the plane.

There are between 50-100 Canadians going... and around 4000-5000 people from all over the world, 220 nations.

God, I pray you prepare us/me as we prepare to go. May we be anticipating much and may we be fully open to what you want to do in and through us. I pray for huge amounts of your presence and for unbelievable breakthrough to happen globally through this time together.