Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME!!

So I decided today that I’m giving up and going home… this is all too hard… I’m homesick.

Just Kidding!! April fools! Haha. I am a little homesick but am having a great time meeting all kinds of people.

What is true is that I’m 26 today!! Woohoo!! It’s crazy to think about how much my life has changed in the past year, I cried last year, on my 25th birthday, because I knew I wasn’t where I wanted or supposed to be. I was living on my own, had a good job, had all kinds of things going for me… but it wasn’t God’s best for me. It’s been an incredibly transitional year, extremely difficult and trying at times BUT amazing. Turning 26 today, I can’t imagine being at a better place in life. I love it, what a joyful day.

As most of you know, I raise support to do what I do. I haven’t quite figured out the art of support raising yet and am no where close to being at my ‘full salary’ (If you’re good at it, I would love your help!) but God keeps providing for all my needs.

I have a pretty important need that I thought I would put out there on my birthday… So if you were going to buy me a cool shirt or some expensive lip gloss maybe you could do this instead!! OR if you’re interested in a really practical way of supporting me, this is a great one.

I need a new computer.

The one I use now is over 3 years old, I travelled with it and used it full time when I was in sales for 2 years, it has about an 18 second battery life, weights a million pounds, has sticky keys that sometimes don’t work and it crashed about a month ago (I lost a lot and didn’t have a computer for 6 days)… It’s just really on its last legs in life.

The thing with my job is that I could work from anywhere in Canada, as long as I have a computer with me. A large part of what I do is meeting with people and communicating online with people across Canada. If someone wants to start a prayer room in Canada or registers one I’m their first contact. I’ll help them with whatever they need help with and eventually get them in touch with people in their city/region, send out resources, try to create new ones, network, etc… So a computer, like most people these days, is a pretty important part of my job.

If this is something you’re interested in doing you could actually do it really easy online. Go to our website (, click the donate button, follow the directions, and in the ‘special project’ section just write ‘Daria’s computer’. And yes, you will even get a tax receipt!

Thanks so much! Have a great April Fools day :)

1 comment:

  1. Would you prefer an expensive jar of pickles or a new computer? (just from me)
